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Cancellation & Refund Policy

For registration cancellations on or before May 28, 2023, please submit a written request to Upon receipt of the written request, a 50% registration refund will be mailed by check. No refunds will be issued after May 28, 2023.

Should it be necessary for the 2023 Aesthetic MasterMinds Summit to be cancelled for circumstances beyond the AMM control, your entire $3800 will be transferred to a rescheduled date at no additional cost to you. Should you choose not to transfer your registration fee to the rescheduled Aesthetic MasterMinds Summit date, $2800 will be forfeited.

In case of a cancellation, the hotel location may change due to circumstances beyond AMM control.

The Aesthetic MasterMinds will not be responsible for registrants’ expenses, such as airline tickets or other associated fees.